Since 1979

Insulation Bricks

Insulation Bricks

Insulation Bricks

We offer our valuable clients a comprehensive collection of Insulation Bricks. Low weight, high solidity and low heat conductivity are the special features of insulation bricks that make them matchless in all perspectives. Light Weight Fire Insulating Bricks are being used in all types of furnaces, boilers etc. for heat insulation. We are capable of satisfying bulk requirements of our valued customers in a very economical way.

Sr.No. Product AL203 %MIN Fe2O3 B.d Gm/cc A.P % Max. CCS Kg/cm2 Thermal Conductivity at 600. c mean temp W/MK Refractoriness Orton Service Temp. PCE
1 Crown S-LW 30 2.5 1.1 55 30 0.45 30 1200 -
2 Crown S-CFI 30 2.5 0.8 65 15 0.35 30 1250 -
3 Crown S - HFI 30 2.5 0.9 60 20 0.4 30 1300 -
4 Crown S - HFK 30 2.5 1.1 55 40 0.5 32 1400 -
5 Crown S - P100 40 1.5 1 60 40 0.4 32 1450 -
6 Crown - CFI 28 2 0.8 70 15 0.19 28 1100 -
7 Crown - HFI 35 2 1.1 60 40 0.3 30 1300 -
8 Crown - MICA500 - - 0.5 80 7 0.14 - 1300 -
9 Crown - MICA600 - - 0.65 75 9 0.16 - 1050 -
10 INSB110 20 2 1 60 25 0.25 - 1100 20
11 INSB135 30 2 1 60 25 0.3 - 1350 29
12 INSB140 40 2 1 60 25 0.3 - 1400 30
13 Porosint1550 60 1 1.1 - 30 0.4 - 1550 37
14 Prosin1650 70 0.8 1.2 - 40 0.45 - 1650 37

Insulation firebricks have low thermalconductivity and low heat storage properties. They may be used as the hot face layer ot as backing insulation for dense bricks. Range from Grade 23 to Grade 30.
Classification Temperature
Clasificacion de Temperature
Klassifizierung Temperatur
Temperature de Classification
Temperature Klasyfikscyjns
IFB 23 IFB 26 IFB 28 IFB 30
1260 . C
2300 . F
1430 . C
2600 . F
1540 . C
2800 . F
1650 . C
3000 . F
White White White White
Chemical Analysis (%)
Composixion quimica
Chemische Analyse
Composition Chimique
Sklad Chemiczny
AI2O3 38.0 57.0 62.0 72.0
SiO2 43.0 39.0 37.0 26.0
ZrO2 - - - -
Fe2O3 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.5
Cr2O3 - - - -
TiO3 1.2 0.1 0.1 0.1
CaO 15.2 0.1 0.1 -
MgO3 0.3 0.2 0.1 -
Bulk Density
Densidad aparente
Masse Volumique aparente
Gestosc pozorna
kg/m3 600 800 900 1000
lb/ft3 37.50 50 56.20 62.40
Cold Crushing Strengh (MPa)
Resistencia a la compresion
Resistance a la pression
Wytrzymalosc na sciskanie
1.20 1.60 2.10 2.20
Thermal Conductivity (W/mK)
Conductividad termica
Conductivite thermique
Przewodnose cieplna
600.C / 1110.F
1000.C / 1830.F
Permanent Linear Change
Combio lineal permanente
Lineare Schwindung nach 3 Stunden
Retrait lineaire continue apres la cuisson de 3 heures
staly skurcz liniowy po wypalaniu 3 godz.
(3h) 1260.C / 2300 .F
(3h) 1370.C / 2500 .F
(3h) 1470.C / 2670 .F
(3h) 1530.C / 2780 .F

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